The Project Serum hackathon was really fun (my entry). Nothing like a hackathon to get you focused on end-to-end product building, without disappearing into technical rabbit-holes or fussing over color schemes too much. I enjoyed the work more than most work I’ve done in recent times. I’ll be writing more about my process in a separate post.
I’m proud of the end result (video above, live app here) as well. I don’t think it’s going to win any prizes because the idea — an easy way to buy curated bundles of cryptocurrencies — was one of the ideas suggested by the organizers and other teams implemented the same idea even better. One particular bummer about the project is that currently you can’t actually have >2 tokens in a bundle because to put in 3 buy orders into 1 transaction exceeds the Solana transaction size limits. It’s possible to build an on-chain program to solve this but I didn’t have enough time or knowledge (of Solana smart contracts) to do it during the hackathon.
One of the classic Naval tweets goes:
Since the Hackathon ended last Wednesday, besides catching up and putting in the hours on contract work, I’ve mostly been in the “rest and reassess” phase. For me, it’s more of a “consolidate knowledge and plot next steps” phase. I used Tailwind CSS on a large project for the first time in the Hackathon project, and it would be nice to better understand its capabilities. I’d also like to check out other hackathon projects and when the winners get announced, understand why those projects were picked to understand the pressing needs of the Solana landscape better.
This is my first update in February and following on the earlier thread from January, it’s time to start focusing on SaaS opportunities and actually start making $$$. For February, I’d like to focus on the Solana ecosystem. Everything is new, and growing and there's a lot of opportunity here. The goal by the end of the month is to launch 1 Solana SaaS idea and start aggressively marketing it.
For the next week, we really are in “consolidate knowledge and plot next steps” mode:
⚡️Brainstorm 2 SaaS ideas in the Solana ecosystem
✍🏾Write 3 blogposts (already working through one on crypto wallet security and another one on a recap of the development process on the Hackathon project)